Money Politics in Nigeria: Causes, Effects and Management
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Published: 26 April 2019 | Article Type :Abstract
This study examined ‘’Money Politics in Nigeria: Causes, Effects and Management’’. The source of information for this study is secondary source. From the study, we realized that money politics in Nigeria started immediately after independence but became glaring during the 1992 campaign exercise and the major causes are: poor level of discipline in political party, poverty of the pocket and corruption, undefined party goal and godfatherism and major effects are: It perverse justice and creates problems for good governance, it takes away competence and creates room for looters, it creates way for ‘’who is who‘’ in a party and in government, and masses interests are not assured. From our findings: It was discovered that Nigerian wealthy politicians takes advantage of level of poverty and unemployment in the country to achieve their personal interest. It was also discovered that, Nigerians don’t exhibit societal values anymore and that is why they are easily manipulated. As a result of the above findings, we made the following recommendations: Governments at all level should ensure that rule of law stands at all-time irrespective of who is involved and by so doing the people will build their trust on government. The government should ensure that societal values are restored in our society and make sure civic education is taught in schools all over the federation.
Keywords: Money, Politics, Nigeria, Causes, Effects, Management.

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How to Cite
Ogbette, Afamefuna Samuel, Idam, Macben Otu, Kareem, Akeem Olumide, Eke, Israel Emenike. (2019-04-26). "Money Politics in Nigeria: Causes, Effects and Management." *Volume 1*, 2, 13-17